Roundabout Baltic

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08.10.2016-28.12.2016 Estonian Museum Of Applied Arts And Design, Tallin (Estonia)

22.06-11.09.2016 Form/Design Center, Malmö (Sweden)

Curator: Agnieszka

Design with a sea view. A visual tale of nature and design intersections. Contemporary design from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Sweden.

An amazing international design exhibition opens on 22 June to present objects created in eight countries connected by the coastline of the Baltic Sea. Agnieszka Jacobson-Cielecka is the curator of the Roundabout Baltic exhibition organized by the Regional Museum in Stalowa Wola. The cooperation of this team has brought about many celebrated exhibitions promoting Polish design abroad, including Unpolished, Moderna and Polska Folk.

The international exhibition Roundabout Baltic showcases achievements of designers from the stretch of the Baltic Sea in a broad cultural and visual context. It is not, however, a review-exhibition, but rather a narrative exhibition, a personal narration of the curator, which portrays the visual connection between the designers, their work and the seaside landscape etched into their creative sensitivity through design, usable and decorative objects. The landscape provides the background for the story: dunes, beach and water, vegetation, rocks and submarine life, different times of day and changing seasons. The products and objects crafted by artisans from Baltic Sea countries are the cornerstone of the multilayered narration of the project.

The Roundabout Baltic exhibition presents works of designers from eight countries: Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, and Sweden; more than 40 authors and more than 70 exhibits altogether. However there is no emphasis on the countries in the way the exhibition is arranged. Quite opposite, concentrating on formal similarities resulting either from local inspirations, choice of material or the production methods, I show analogies in the way creators from the Baltic region think and which are more important / more pronounced than cultural, economic or climatic differences between these countries.

Co-financed through the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.


Regional Museum in Stalowa Wola


Agnieszka Jacobson-Cielecka

Museum of the City of Gdynia, Design Center Gdynia – the Pomeranian
Science and Technology Park, Form/Design Center, Estonian Museum
of Applied Arts and Design, Polish Institute in Stockholm

content support:
Adam Mickiewicz Institute

coordination and additional information:
Magdalena Bąk-Wołoszyn, PhD, phone +48 (15) 844 85 56 / e-mail:  Adres poczty elektronicznej jest chroniony przed robotami spamującymi. W przeglądarce musi być włączona obsługa JavaScript, żeby go zobaczyć.

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08.10.2016-28.12.2016 Estonian Museum Of Applied Arts And Design, Tallin (Estonia)

22.06-11.09.2016 Form/Design Center, Malmö (Sweden)

Curator: Agnieszka

Design with a sea view. A visual tale of nature and design intersections. Contemporary design from Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, and Sweden.

An amazing international design exhibition opens on 22 June to present objects created in eight countries connected by the coastline of the Baltic Sea. Agnieszka Jacobson-Cielecka is the curator of the Roundabout Baltic exhibition organized by the Regional Museum in Stalowa Wola. The cooperation of this team has brought about many celebrated exhibitions promoting Polish design abroad, including Unpolished, Moderna and Polska Folk.

The international exhibition Roundabout Baltic showcases achievements of designers from the stretch of the Baltic Sea in a broad cultural and visual context. It is not, however, a review-exhibition, but rather a narrative exhibition, a personal narration of the curator, which portrays the visual connection between the designers, their work and the seaside landscape etched into their creative sensitivity through design, usable and decorative objects. The landscape provides the background for the story: dunes, beach and water, vegetation, rocks and submarine life, different times of day and changing seasons. The products and objects crafted by artisans from Baltic Sea countries are the cornerstone of the multilayered narration of the project.

The Roundabout Baltic exhibition presents works of designers from eight countries: Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, Latvia, Germany, and Sweden; more than 40 authors and more than 70 exhibits altogether. However there is no emphasis on the countries in the way the exhibition is arranged. Quite opposite, concentrating on formal similarities resulting either from local inspirations, choice of material or the production methods, I show analogies in the way creators from the Baltic region think and which are more important / more pronounced than cultural, economic or climatic differences between these countries.

Co-financed through the Ministry of Culture and National Heritage.


Regional Museum in Stalowa Wola


Agnieszka Jacobson-Cielecka

Museum of the City of Gdynia, Design Center Gdynia – the Pomeranian
Science and Technology Park, Form/Design Center, Estonian Museum
of Applied Arts and Design, Polish Institute in Stockholm

content support:
Adam Mickiewicz Institute

coordination and additional information:
Magdalena Bąk-Wołoszyn, PhD, phone +48 (15) 844 85 56 / e-mail:  Adres poczty elektronicznej jest chroniony przed robotami spamującymi. W przeglądarce musi być włączona obsługa JavaScript, żeby go zobaczyć.


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